Sunday, March 30, 2014

Installing M2eclips - Maven Plugin for Eclips

In this tutorial, we will see how to install m2eclipse plugin which provides Maven integration in Eclipse IDE. m2eclipse provides first-class Apache Maven support in the Eclipse IDE, making it easier to edit Maven’s pom.xml, run a build from the IDE and much more.

1) Install JDK
2)Install Eclips IDE
3) online installation of m2eclips plugin

  • You can install Maven plugin for Eclipse via update site, simply copy the above update site link address and paste it into Eclipse’s “Update” or “Install New Software” manager as explained below. Installing m2eclipse is fairly simple. Start Eclipse then go to:
Help -> Install New Software…
Copy this link for the latest Stable Release into Eclipse and hit Enter.

When the site loads, select the features to install, or click the Select All button. For our requirement select “Maven Integration for Eclipse” as shown above.
Checking [x] Contact all update sites during install to find required software might take sometime and this is optional. 

  • Click Next to view Installation Details.
  • Click Next to agree the license terms, and click Finish.
  • This will take few minutes to install the Maven plugin and once done restart the Eclipse.

4)Create new Maven project

Now you have successfully installed “Maven plugin – m2eclipse” in Eclipse IDE!!

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