Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dvtm & Dtach - Alternative for Screen in linux

DVTM&DTACH is an alternative for popular screen command. Unlike GNU Screen and tmux, dvtm doesn’t allow you to disconnect and reattach to sessions. You’ll have to run dvtm with dtach to detach from and reattach to your sessions. it is a bit painful at the begining but when you have no other choice like me you use it. I receive this error "Login name too long -- sorry" when i use screen the reason is a bug that does not accept hostname more than 20 character. so here you go this is an alternative :


if you use fedora or redhat family:
sudo yum install dvtm dtach
if use Ubunto or debian:
sudo apt-get dvtm dtach

Getting Started

To begin, start dvtm run  dvtmin the command line 
Ctrl g is the default modifier for dvtm. You'll prefix every command with it. like ctrl+a in screen.
To change the default mod, run dvtm with the -m flag. IE: dvtm -m a, will set the modifier to Ctrl a


  • MOD c creates a new window.
  • MOD x will close it.
  • MOD j/k will switch between windows. Also, your mouse will work.
  • MOD #, where # is the window number, will move you to the appropriate window.
  • MOD q will exit dvtm.


  • MOD h/l will resize the window laterally.
  • MOD t will stack inactive windows vertically.
  • MOD b will stack inactive windows horizontally.
  • MOD g will stack windows in a grid.
  • MOD space toggles between layouts.
  • MOD . hides a window.
When I start a project, I'll open a few windows. Start and minimize my watch processes. Get to work.


dtach procedure is simple.
  1. dtach -A /tmp/sessionName -r winch dvtm will create and attach to a new session.
  2. Do work.
  3. Ctrl \ to detach from the current session.
  4. dtach -a /tmp/sessionName to reattach.

P.S: for the old version of linux, like fedora8 or Ubuntu tat does not have the repository you should manually install dvtm like below:
download the latest version of it:
git clone git://repo.or.cz/dvtm.git 
dvtm needs this library:

sudo yum install ncurses-devel

then build it:
cd dvtm-0.11
sudo install make

All Done!

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