Wednesday, June 4, 2014

different signs(marker types) to draw points and lines in plot function in python

Here is a list of option you need to provide for plot function to draw what you want:

example: plt.plot(range(10), linestyle='--', marker='o', color='b')

================    ===============================
character           description
================    ===============================
``'-'``             solid line style
``'--'``            dashed line style
``'-.'``            dash-dot line style
``':'``             dotted line style
``'.'``             point marker
``','``             pixel marker
``'o'``             circle marker
``'v'``             triangle_down marker
``'^'``             triangle_up marker
``'<'``             triangle_left marker
``'>'``             triangle_right marker
``'1'``             tri_down marker
``'2'``             tri_up marker
``'3'``             tri_left marker
``'4'``             tri_right marker
``'s'``             square marker
``'p'``             pentagon marker
``'*'``             star marker
``'h'``             hexagon1 marker
``'H'``             hexagon2 marker
``'+'``             plus marker
``'x'``             x marker
``'D'``             diamond marker
``'d'``             thin_diamond marker
``'|'``             vline marker
``'_'``             hline marker
================    ===============================

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